
Automatisation tire
pressure control system

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News › Evolution of tire pressure monitoring system

Tire pressure monitoring systems appeared in the 90s of the last century. They were highly appreciated by users of passenger cars. And since 2005, all cars produced in the United States must be equipped with this system. Since 2016 in the European Union. Why the system did not take root in the cargo segment, did not acquire mass character? Everything was connected with the limited possibilities of this system.

For a modern fleet, it is not enough to have information in the driver’s cab about the condition of the tires. A parallel can be drawn with telematics solutions for trucks. After all, earlier, during the trip, only the driver knew about the amount of fuel in the tank, its route, speed, driving styles. And only after the connection of telematics solutions, the appearance of real control, immediately changed fuel consumption, driving style, rarely began to happen deviation from the route.

The situation with the tire monitoring system is the same. Only getting information from the Park Manager, the owner of the equipment about the wrong pressure, is a guarantee of correcting the situation. Otherwise, the driver, knowing that he had a punctured wheel, you may not remove it to go to the tire store. It is the cases that we saw in the beginning of our journey.

The evolution of tire pressure monitoring systems goes through the addition of new features:

  1. Transfer of information about the tires from the car without the participation of a technician, additional wire connections.
  2. the ability to save all information about the performance of tires for analysis (tread Depth, tire mobility).
  3. Providing information about the buses at any time from any Internet-enabled device (computer, laptop, netbook, mobile phone, etc.).
  4. the ability to analyze tire data across the fleet, in a group of vehicles, on a specific car or individual tire at any time.
  5. Notification of the problem not only the driver, but also the list of responsible persons.
  6. Setting different minimum and maximum pressure limits on different axes.
  7. Getting specific information about the cost of a kilometer of bus mileage.

These are just the main theses of the functional, which have reached only a few of the systems. Until now, the vast majority of tire pressure monitoring systems do not meet even a smaller part of these requirements.

In addition to the functionality, the same evolution is in the direction of ease of use of the system. Expensive, additional equipment to configure the system-this sin most manufacturers, trying to sell as many additional services, equipment.

Just not unimportant and the hardware itself. The quality parameters of the system are determined by the ability to work in different climatic conditions (for example, most systems have a temperature range from -15 to +80), as well as battery life. If the system is a household battery, and expect it to work in -15 degrees is not necessary, and as it quickly fails. Only the best systems are ready to withstand loads from -50 to + 120 degrees and work from 7 years.

Thus, with the achievement of the stated objectives, technical parameters, cargo monitoring systems will be widely used.

Tuesday October 23rd, 2018

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